The Keeper's Companion
The Keeper's Companion (英語版)
The Keeper's Companion 1
- - The Keeper's Companion
- 書誌情報
- 書誌情報:Happyend's Cthulhu Page
- 書誌情報
- Review
- "13 Suggestions for Keepers"
- "Occult Books"
- "Languages and Scripts"
- "Arcane Antiquities"
- "Secret Cults"
- "Forensic Medicine"
- "Alien Races, Mysterious Places"
- "Skills, Expansions, New Skills"
- Plus Good Cthulhu Hunting, An Alternate Resistance Table, Feverish Study, Law Enforcement Timeline, Circumstances of Death by State, Brainstorming, Books and Sanity, Alternate Rules, updated Investigator's Sheet, etc.
The Keeper's Companion 2
- "The History Behind Prohibition"
- "The Keeper's Master List of Call of Cthulhu Scenarios"
- "Iron: a Survey of Civilian Small Arms Used in the 1890's, 1920's, and the Present"
- "Medical Examiner's Report"
- "Mythos Collector
- "Mythos ex Machina"
- "Lavey, Satanism, and the Big Squid"
- キーパーズコンパニオンには本当にディープワンのゲノム情報が載ってます。人間からどうやって変異するかなど。オチもついてて秀逸です。
参照:[書籍紹介] [キーパーコンパニオン]